For anyone interested in history, the area is a great place to explore. We only had time to visit the Roosevelt family home, library, and then Eleanor's home, but there is quite a bit more to see in the area. The Vanderbilt Mansion is open for tours, as well as Samuel Morse's home (the inventor of the Morse Code.) The Culinary Institute of America is also in Hyde Park. They have several restaurants on their campus and a great book/gift store. We made a brief stop there, but didn't have time to eat.
I had done my homework prior to the trip, and found a quilt shop en route. I purchased a few goodies and will share those in another post.
I'm still trying to figure out how to space photos throughout an individual post. Any pointers? Last weekend I made my very first batch of sourdough starter. I want to share some photos (and the recipe), but I've got to figure out the photo posting first!
Enjoy the last of the weekend,